Dr. Kevin Elko
Inspiring Teams to Greater Success
Dr. Kevin Elko is THE EXPERT you need to build your team’s culture and help you create a mindset of success. Now you can have access to his coaching on demand – 24/7. Whether you are a Coach, Athletic Director, Business Owner, Financial Advisor, Real Estate Agent, Insurance Agent, Sales Professional, Teacher or just someone who wants to achieve more and rise to the top of their field, there is a Virtual Training System designed to help you and your team.
Choose from the following Virtual Training Systems tailored to your specific needs:
Dr Elko On Demand
For Coaches & AD’s

This program contains the foundation training that is necessary to build and maintain winning teams and programs. It’s the exact blueprint used by Dr. Elko in working with championship teams and successful corporations. You and your team can learn how to be laser-focused on what’s important and eliminate mental clutter, how to overcome adversity and come back stronger, develop identity create a powerful vision, keys to a championship mindset and so much more! This program includes the following courses:
How to Build a Winning Culture: A Blueprint for Coaches
Mental Toughness – Scott Cochran (Strength & Conditioning Coach for Alabama Crimson Tide Football)
Nine Keys to a Championship Mindset
Dr Elko On Demand
For Business & Personal Growth

This program is a Virtual Training Course designed for Financial Advisors Insurance Agents, Real Estate Agents, Sales Reps, Business Owners, Teachers, Administrators or anyone who wants to take their performance to the next level and reach the top of their field. Elko shares the same tools and process that he uses when coaching hundreds of companies, championship teams, top performers and world-class athletes. If you are pursuing greatness with the goal of being the best of the best, this new program is for you!
The Greatness Game Plan: Your Path to Ultimate Success
Relationships – with Gerald Acuff
Announcing a New Virtual Training Program for Teachers and Educators
Making a Difference No Matter What

In this program, Dr. Kevin Elko helps teachers take ownership of difficult situations instead of getting frustrated. This course is designed to help teachers better connect with difficult students, other teachers and administrators and to develop an “I Believe” mindset and decide to make a difference…no matter what.
More programs coming soon!
About Dr. Kevin Elko
Did you know that most coaches fail to achieve success because they don’t understand the process for developing a winning culture? If you ask any coach who has had success, they will tell you that culture is the foundation for building and sustaining a successful program. Regardless of your knowledge of the game or the quality of your athletes, without a culture that everyone understands and buys into, you will not reach your maximum potential.
Culture is about knowing who you are and how you think, the identity and language you develop as a team and creating a vision of where you want to go. It’s about being focused on what’s important and eliminating mental clutter. You need to develop a process to create and maintain this culture that clearly lays it out for all of your coaches and players to embrace.
My name is Dr. Kevin Elko and I help championship teams build their culture. I have done it 21 times (and counting) in my career at the college and professional level, most recently with the National Champion University of Alabama Football Team and the Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles.
I have been asked by coaches at the college and high school level over the years to help them in their quest for a championship. Well…now that program is available to every coach who wants to learn the process for building a championship culture.
This is the exact program used by various championship teams across all sports. But instead of you paying thousands of dollars over multiple visits like they did, I have made this program available in video format for you and your team to work through at your own pace whenever it’s convenient for you.


“His work improves lives and wins championships!”
“I am thankful to Kelvin Elko and all the encouragement and his powerful words through the entire season. They were impactful for both my teammates and me. His work improves lives and wins championships!”
Nick Foles
Quarterback, Philadelphia Eagles Super Bowl MVP

“Kevin Elko simply made me a better coach…”
“Kevin Elko simply made me a better coach and the Philadelphia Eagles a better team. I would highly recommend any coach jumping at the opportunity to work with him.”
Frank Reich
Offensive Coordinator Philadelphia Eagles, Super Bowl Champion (New Head Coach – Indianapolis Colts)

“… changes their life in a positive way forever.”
“The greatest thing about Dr. Kevin Elko is his remarkable ability to inspire and capture visions in athletes’ minds to change their mindset in who they can become. That changes their life in a positive way forever. I have brought him in to every one of my teams to help me build a winning culture!”
Butch Davis
Head Football Coach Florida International University

“Kevin Elko has a one of kind style that adapts to every audience.”
“Kevin Elko has a one of kind style that adapts to every audience to make the greatest impact with whatever message he has intended. He makes it fun, intense and positively team altering to help with mental and emotional peak performance. My favorite characteristics of his talks are they speak to me and are 100% relatable.”
Dana Duckworth
Head Gymnastics Coach University of Alabama

“Dr. Elko was critical in my time as a player and coach.”
“Dr. Elko was critical in my time as a player and coach. He helped our Miami teams develop strong leadership and character that helped us to great success, and has carried over to coaching as well.”
Ken Dorsey
Quarterback National Champion Miami Hurricanes

“I highly recommend his program to help you build a winning culture!”
“Coaches and teams usually get so caught up with winning and losing that they lose focus on the process and the mental side. Dr Elko does an unbelievable job of getting teams to utilize laser focus from play to play, game to game. And it starts with our thought process, our brains. But he goes even deeper helping us connect with our hearts and our souls. I highly recommend Dr. Elko to coaches who want to take their teams to the next level!”
Dan McDonnell
Head Baseball Coach University of Louisville

“Dr. Kevin Elko is the Ultimate Difference Maker!”
“Dr. Kevin Elko is the Ultimate Difference Maker in the success of student athletes/university athletics programs. His knowledge, ability to connect, and mastery teaching methods and techniques have provided our student athletes with the guidance and ability to maximize their potential – both mentally and physically- while preparing them to be significant and impactful members in our society. I highly recommend his virtual training program for coaches. ”
Mario Cristobal
Head Football Coach – University of Oregon Ducks

“Dr Elko is the best I’ve seen…”
“Dr Elko is the best I’ve seen in helping young men focus on “keeping the main thing the main thing.” He has given us the tools to help manage daily conflicts and stress while helping our team “lock in” and remove distractions. He helps “remove the mental clutter” on and off the field. I would highly recommend his virtual training program!”
Scott Cochran
Head Strength Coach, University of Alabama Football

“…extremely valuable to success…”
“”Dr. Elko’s teaching adds a level of competitive focus that is extremely valuable to success we are building in our program”. He delivers extreme value to our coaches and players.”
Kirby Smart
Head Coach, University of Georgia Football

This program, if implemented with onsite visits, would cost literally thousands of dollars. But you can get this program today, for a fraction of that cost!
Take advantage of our introductory pricing today!
Contact Us

If you need to set up invoice billing or pay by check, please contact Shawn at 412-228-4202 or onesourcemarketing@verizon.net. If you are interested in seeing a demo of this program, please email us at onesourcemarketing@verizon.net.